Technologies & Apps

How I can see who liked my playlist on Spotify?

Spotify is a popular streaming platform for legally listening to podcasts, music, and audiobooks. In this case, the latter do not need to be downloaded to the device. When a user creates their own playlists, the question arises as to whether it is possible to see who liked them. The article will go into detail about whether you can find out more about the people who subscribed to the collection on Spotify.

How to see the name of someone who liked playlists?

Unfortunately, Spotify doesn’t offer these options. Instead, the user only has access to the total number of likes for each playlist. To view this information, just follow a few simple steps:

  • select the section “Your Library”;
  • click on the profile icon;
  • click “View profile”;
  • select “Playlists”. A treasured number will appear under each collection name.

It is worth noting that previously there was an opportunity to see who specifically liked playlists on Spotify. However, the service left this feature back in 2013. From now on, users are invited to look at the total number of likes.

Spotify has a feature that allows you to view individual profiles interacting with user content. We are talking about people who monitor the user’s account.

Will Spotify get a feature to track profiles that are like a playlist?

Users began to demand from the service to return the name representation of the profiles that put likes, immediately after the function was abandoned. However, despite numerous requests from active members of the community, including 22,000 votes for the return of the opportunity and 1,700 comments about it, Spotify still stands its ground. Responding to a question from concerned users in 2019, service representatives said that the idea of ​​returning a feature would be under control, but at the moment there are no plans to implement it.

If a user wants to participate in the discussion and return a list of names of people who liked the playlist, then they can write about it to Spotify and vote accordingly. Of course, the result will not come immediately, but the more activity there is around the problem, the more likely it is that the service will meet the needs of users.

Are there hacks to look at the profiles of users who have liked a playlist?

There are a lot of materials on the web on this subject. Unfortunately, everything that can be found today is clickbait. In fact, none of the methods work, since there are none in principle. Each Spotify hack contains an algorithm that allows you to interact with subscribers and is not some kind of method to bypass the system.

For example, most often the user is asked to wait until a subscriber appears in the Spotify profile. Then the user needs to look at the total number of likes under the playlists and compare the figure with the previous one. If a new “like” mark appeared there, then the person interacting with the account probably put this very like. However, there is no guarantee that the figure has not changed due to other Spotify users.


Thus, it is not possible to see users who liked the playlist on Spotify. The maximum that a user can do is to log into his account and get acquainted with general information about the number of likes. This figure is anonymized, so it will not be possible to extract information about specific profiles. The user also has access to information about persons actively interacting with the content (subscribers). However, the service may change the policy and re-add the corresponding feature. When exactly this will happen is currently unknown.