Lyric Thermostat Troubleshooting

If you have problems with a Lyric Wi Fi thermostat, visit this page to find out how to fix them. Here, you can find Lyric thermostat troubleshooting manuals for different models. They enlist error codes, the most widespread technical problems, their reasons and instructions on how to fix the issues.

Lyric T6-Pro Thermostat Troubleshooting

Problem Solution
Display is blank Check circuit breaker and reset if necessary.
Make sure power switch for heating & cooling system is on.
Make sure furnace door is closed securely.
Make sure fresh AA alkaline batteries are correctly installed (
Heating or cooling system does not respond Press Mode button to set svstem Heat
Make sure the desired temperature is set higher than the inside temperature.
Press Mode button to set system Cool
Make sure the desired temperature is set lower than the inside temperature.
Check circuit breaker and reset if necessary.
Make sure power switch for heating & cooling system is on.
Make sure furnace door is closed securely.
Wait 5 minutes for the system to respond.
Temperature settings do not change Make sure heating and cooling temperatures are set to acceptable ranges:
Heat: 40 °F to 90 °F (4.5 °C to 32.0 °C)
Cool: 50 °F to 99 °F (10.0 °C to 37.0 °C)
“Cool On” or “HeatOn” is flashing Compressor protection feature is engaged. Wait 5 minutes for the system to restart safely, without damage to the compressor

Lyric T5 Wi-Fi Thermostat Troubleshooting

Number Alert/Reminder Recommended action
164 Heat Pump Needs Service Contact your heating or cooling professional to diagnose and service the heat pump.
168 Wi-Fi Radio Error The wireless module isn’t operating, and wireless features aren’t available. Contact Lyric Technical Support
170 Internal Memory Error The thermostat’s memory has encountered an error. Contact Lyric Technical Support
171 Set the Date and Time Please set the time and date on the thermostat to ensure features like scheduling can operate.
173 Thermostat Temperature Sensor Error The temperature sensor on the thermostat has encountered an error. Contact Lyric Technical Support
175 AC Power Resumed AC power to the thermostat has been restored after power loss. You don’t need to take any action.
181 Replace Air Filter (1) Replace the air filter or contact your heating or cooling professional. Reset the air filter timer by touching Dismiss on the thermostat screen after replacement.
182 Replace Air Filter (2) Replace the air filter or contact your heating or cooling professional. Reset the timer by touching Dismiss on the thermostat screen after replacement.
184 Replace Humidifier Pad Replace the humidifier pad or contact your heating or cooling professional. Reset the timer by touching Dismiss on the thermostat screen after replacement.
185 Replace Dehumidifier Filter Replace the dehumidifier filter or contact your heating or cooling professional. Reset the timer by touching Dismiss on the thermostat screen after replacement.
187 Clean or Replace Ventilator Filter Clean or replace the ventilator filter or contact your heating or cooling professional. Reset the timer by touching Dismiss on the thermostat screen after you’re done.
188 Replace UV Bulb (1) Replace the UV bulb or contact your heating or cooling professional. Reset the timer by touching Dismiss on the thermostat screen after you’re done.
189 Replace UV Bulb (2)
210 Register Online For Outdoor Temperature You need to register online to receive outdoor temperature information from the Internet. Based on the installation settings, this information is required for correct operation of your system. Please download the Lyric app and register your thermostat.
388 Register Online for Remote Access and Outdoor Temperature You need to register online for remote thermostat access and outdoor temperature information. Please download the Lyric app and register your thermostat.
399 No Internet The internet connection has been lost. Please check your network settings.
400 No Wi-Fi Signal The Wi-Fi signal has been lost. Please wait for the thermostat to reconnect or select a new Wi-Fi network.
508 Wi-Fi Not Configured Please download the Lyric app and follow the steps to connect your thermostat to Wi-Fi.

Lyric T6 Thermostat Troubleshooting

Error Solution
WIFI RADIO ERROR The Wi-Fi radio of your Thermostat is faulty, contact your installer
INTERNAL MEMORY ERROR The internal memory of your Thermostat is faulty
THERMOSTAT TEMPERATURE SENSOR ERROR The temperature sensor of your Thermostat is faulty
INDOOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR ERROR The remote indoor temperature sensor is not connected or the wiring is faulty
OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR ERROR The remote outdoor temperature sensor is not connected or the wiring is faulty
REGISTER ONLINE Please download the App, create an account and register your Thermostat
NO INTERNET The internet connection has been lost, please check your internet connection or Wi-Fi router
NO WIFI SIGNAL The Wi-Fi signal has been lost, please check your Wi-Fi router
WIFI NOT CONFIGURED Please download the App, create an account and add your Thermostat
NO RECEIVER BOX BINDING There is no Receiver box binding data stored
NO COMMUNICATION RECEIVER BOX There is no communication with the Receiver box, move Thermostat closer
RF SIGNAL OFRECEIVER BOX LOW There is a weak radio signal from the Receiver box, move Thermostat closer
BOILER FAULT XX The boiler reported a failure number XX